- 2022 11 14 Gov UK Flu vaccination programme 2022 to 2023 briefing for primary schools.pdf -
correct me if i am wrong please! but there doesnt seem to be anything here that is mandatory for the school to implement... does this mean i have to blame the school??? and of-course the trust??? and vaccination uk??? any thoughts...
isnt that what the nuremberg trials were ALSO about... yeah yeah yeah the nazis the technology project paperclip blah blah blah,,, but werent there more civil servants, doctors, nurses, executed for war crimes, for something similar to what i am alluding to now...
nope? not yet eh!!! - drip drip drip...
pps. and dont forget, its in my paperwork and they received a copy recorded delivery... to date, as far as i am aware, the so called virus still has not been ISOLATED... what does that mean in english??? it means they dont actually know it exists!!! nope!!! go look it up... but dont expect your telly to tell you... they modelled it on a computer you see...