please keep this on john samuel morris's file (please dont send it back to me in your reply thank you)
ht - head teacher
rsa - rsa trust
ht called out to me outside when dropping john off at school friday morning 11-11-2022 8:50am ish.
ht said she got letter and if i was concerned about johns safety i shouldnt bring him into school monday. ht was definately trying to get me to make the decision of removing john from the school monday at least twice, maybe more.
i then asked her if she would be sending him home monday she immediately said no and i could tell she didnt like answering that or didnt have any intention of making that decision.
i clearly said i want john in school and following national choriculum. i will be bringing him in monday with another letter for the ht only.
i also said it wasnt just the safety of john, but what about the teachers. [[should have said pupils n parents too]]
i told ht she should tell all the teachers in the school.
[[ it is not johns fault that the ht or rsa or vac uk or gov have no policy or procedure so why should he be excluded because of a private companies failure to provide proper guidelines for shedding. thats disgusting and unfair and clearly a human rights issue ]]
the conversation was very very clear to me. ht was trying to get me to take john out the school monday. [[and then! how long for?]]
i asked ht if she had any policy or gov guidelines and i do think she actually said no but i cant remember tbh. she definately didnt have any info at all to give me or tell me at the time of 9:25am 11-11-2022 whatsoever. that was abundantly clear and obvious to me at the time.
upon leaving with no info whatsoever, i advised ht speak to environmental health or health and safety as she clearly didnt have a clue what to do. i also earlier mentioned the vac uk ltd Company number 03682679 or trust should know something. [[i mean c'mon]]
ht left me in no doubt whatsoever she didnt know what to do regarding shedding although she did say she told johns class teachers something about shedding. [[why not the whole school]]
i had to remind the teacher SHE gave out the bits of paper to all parents regarding the shedding as per vaccination uk LT ({limmited = private company)) on their previous visit, i dont think she even realised that.
[[ i would like to know what she told the teachers in johns class and by what authority. and why didnt she tell us the parents or give us this info in writing.]]
[[ ht and asc ass are in charge of the safety and wellbeing of all children and parents and teachers at the school, not just johns. ht is also responsible for letting private company onto premises. do they have to follow rules???]]
[[ i want the guidelines or policy regarding shedding from the school ht ]]
the ht and the asc associates trust let a private company into the school (probably professionals as per deputy heads definition) and now wish to cross contaminate pupils and teachers with something possibly poisonous and dangerous, and experminental i might add, AND THERES NO POLICY. NO GUIDELINES. but if i am wrong then please please please supply me a copy so i can make an informed choice, while making sure the school and us as parents maintain johns education as per gov mandated guidelines. while still keeping him safe and well of-course.
if it does come to home schooling, or john bein excluded from the school, allbeit without our consent, the school and the trust will be expected to supply a home school teacher for as long as neccesary, and will pay for all the expenses incurred, and this will be reported to the relevant governing bodies as well as hmgov, in the hopes a better solution is obtained.
the only reason why i or johns mum keep john off school, is if we think he is not well, or if the school thinks he is not well, PERIOD!!! so if you decide to send him home you will incurr the above.
if he goes to school monday and suffers as a consequence at a later date, we will seek legal remedy formally and with the legal system allready in place.
if vaccination uk are told to stand down and pursponed till further notice, untill we can get a satisfactory outcome, as well as ALL queries and concerns are dealt with, and ALL third parties are happy, then there is no problem.
vaccines shouldnt be given in school, but hey, thats just my opinion.
what did the head teacher tell teachers about shedding and why didnt she think to tell me the parent.
i am also beginning to wonder if i have sent letters to the wrong trust people. please list all officers of the trust that deals with your school. its an absolute minefielf with all these different trusts
just drop the answers in johns school bag this afternoon thank you.
may god guide you. may god bless you. may god protect you.
- 2022 11 11 Central Region Schools Trust Online Contact Form my complaint.png -
SHARON 10:49am 11-11-2022
i have just realised all my first class recorded delivery letters went to the theatre in london instead of you sent two days ago...
they were addressed to ALL the directors...
i can provide proof of claim if you require it...
so please now assume this needs to goto all your directors asap...
they are vaccinating at my sons school monday St Stephen School Redditch...
there are no policy or guidelines supplies at all regarding 'SHEDDING'...
so my son may be liable to cross contamination...
i spoke to the head this morning and she suggested i remove john from school...
i think this is wrong and unfair, and this is happening this coming monday...
i want to know what the trust wants me to do as the head master doesnt seem to have any info on shedding, and everyone will be prone to shedding...
sorry you didnt get my letters yesterdat, but i have just wasted £25 on recorded delivery posting the below to a theatre in longon, because i was trying to do the right thing before monday coming up...
please please please respond asap to tell me you are the correct rsa to talk to regarding the above said mentioned school
please please please make the below a formal concern requiring your immediate attention...
[[ps at very bottom i have attached rough notes of what the head teacher and i spoke about this morning]]
this is notes of my chat with head teacher this morning
please keep this on john samuel morris's file (please dont send it back to me in your reply thank you)
ht - head teacher
rsa - rsa trust
ht called out to me outside when dropping john off at school friday morning 11-11-2022 8:50am ish.
ht said she got letter and if i was concerned about johns safety i shouldnt bring him into school monday. ht was definately trying to get me to make the decision of removing john from the school monday at least twice, maybe more.
i then asked her if she would be sending him home monday she immediately said no and i could tell she didnt like answering that or didnt have any intention of making that decision.
i clearly said i want john in school and following national choriculum. i will be bringing him in monday with another letter for the ht only.
i also said it wasnt just the safety of john, but what about the teachers. [[should have said pupils n parents too]]
i told ht she should tell all the teachers in the school.
[[ it is not johns fault that the ht or rsa or vac uk or gov have no policy or procedure so why should he be excluded because of a private companies failure to provide proper guidelines for shedding. thats disgusting and unfair and clearly a human rights issue ]]
the conversation was very very clear to me. ht was trying to get me to take john out the school monday. [[and then! how long for?]]
i asked ht if she had any policy or gov guidelines and i do think she actually said no but i cant remember tbh. she definately didnt have any info at all to give me or tell me at the time of 9:25am 11-11-2022 whatsoever. that was abundantly clear and obvious to me at the time.
upon leaving with no info whatsoever, i advised ht speak to environmental health or health and safety as she clearly didnt have a clue what to do. i also earlier mentioned the vac uk ltd Company number 03682679 or trust should know something. [[i mean c'mon]]
ht left me in no doubt whatsoever she didnt know what to do regarding shedding although she did say she told johns class teachers something about shedding. [[why not the whole school]]
i had to remind the teacher SHE gave out the bits of paper to all parents regarding the shedding as per vaccination uk LT ({limmited = private company)) on their previous visit, i dont think she even realised that.
[[ i would like to know what she told the teachers in johns class and by what authority. and why didnt she tell us the parents or give us this info in writing.]]
[[ ht and asc ass are in charge of the safety and wellbeing of all children and parents and teachers at the school, not just johns. ht is also responsible for letting private company onto premises. do they have to follow rules???]]
[[ i want the guidelines or policy regarding shedding from the school ht ]]
the ht and the asc associates trust let a private company into the school (probably professionals as per deputy heads definition) and now wish to cross contaminate pupils and teachers with something possibly poisonous and dangerous, and experminental i might add, AND THERES NO POLICY. NO GUIDELINES. but if i am wrong then please please please supply me a copy so i can make an informed choice, while making sure the school and us as parents maintain johns education as per gov mandated guidelines. while still keeping him safe and well of-course.
if it does come to home schooling, or john bein excluded from the school, allbeit without our consent, the school and the trust will be expected to supply a home school teacher for as long as neccesary, and will pay for all the expenses incurred, and this will be reported to the relevant governing bodies as well as hmgov, in the hopes a better solution is obtained.
the only reason why i or johns mum keep john off school, is if we think he is not well, or if the school thinks he is not well, PERIOD!!! so if you decide to send him home you will incurr the above.
if he goes to school monday and suffers as a consequence at a later date, we will seek legal remedy formally and with the legal system allready in place.
if vaccination uk are told to stand down and pursponed till further notice, untill we can get a satisfactory outcome, as well as ALL queries and concerns are dealt with, and ALL third parties are happy, then there is no problem.
vaccines shouldnt be given in school, but hey, thats just my opinion.
what did the head teacher tell teachers about shedding and why didnt she think to tell me the parent.
i am also beginning to wonder if i have sent letters to the wrong trust people. please list all officers of the trust that deals with your school. its an absolute minefielf with all these different trusts
just drop the answers in johns school bag this afternoon thank you.
may god guide you. may god bless you. may god protect you.