2022 07 27 PHP8.1 compliant now...

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2022 07 27 PHP8.1 compliant now...

Post by ukjsm »


websites a bit meaner and cleaner, and now runs on php8.1... had it stuck on 7.1 for ever but knew i had to do some learning n studying... {bloody curly brackets}

anyways, got there in the end and maybe im ready to start studying for my mysqli database idea now eh,,, bleeaauuuhhh!!!! naaah, i need a break...

ooh! and because i seem to spend more time repairing my ancient equipment rather than actually using it to make music lol (actually cb's song sounds quite amazing tbh),,, i have now gone and replaced all 70 microswitches in the mixing desk... aaahhhh, no more bashing the button because its old n sticky... (done 2 yamaha pro 1 desks totalling 140 switches about, and it only cost me a fiver... damd thats good value for money!!!


also put a nice new quiter fan in the akais6000, and will be looking to quitening the win98 studio pc even more too now... YeP! you read right, the win98 recording studio pc... and on that note i might have fixed a very long long long term problem i thought i had there for over 10 years or so but not sure yet, its early days, and i dont wanna get my hopes up yet!!! stay tuned...

and if it wasnt for this missing tooth of mine, not that i care much anymore, i would probably be making my very own videos for you all to look at. maybe one day eh as i do have rather a lot to say about this wonderfull planet we all live on...

and my two favourite people who i luv lots n lots and wish mummy all the best and hope she gets well soon. john keeps kissing his mum on the arm and saying 'its allright mum, you will be fine"... bringing a tear to mine eyes as i type this... but hey! shes ma gal n i luv her...


endometriosis,,, its not nice to you gals, is it!!!


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