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2022 08 06 EVAR DICA gets a facelift

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:58 am
by ukjsm


i have managed to get the EVAR DICA cassettes ripped from the original 4Track, and finally redone the audio and video to the highest possible quality. of-course they occasionally sound like shit but hey! its still the good old cassette days. i managed to do a slot, throat was killing, organised the whole tent, kept it in check, and kept the 4 track going for 10 hours or so. think about it, thats not bad tbh...

im just sooo glad i got all my history of tapes ripped thru a 4channel io m-audio4x4 pc isa card before the 4 track packed up for good. theres a ton of old but good stuff to play with and maybe one day i will get there eh!!! look at the posers, me and mark in 1990 on stage in front of thousands... wow!!! what an experience... we had some good times and still best of friends to this day... need to find him a good woman tho lol...

in fact he just got a new sofa and we had his old 2 seater for johns computer room that used to be called a lounge i thinks but thats no more...

so,,, a ton of 4 track audio, some of it shit to be honest, but its us from 30ish years ago, and it survived the journey. looks like i will be a busy little boy eh!... sadly tho, i never did find a rap mark once did over why must i be a teenager in love that he did an amazing job of, but isnt on any of the cassettes. we still talk about that one to this day lol...


my gorgeous beautiful amazing cheeky choppy son john, who i met in a vision before he was born, along with lucy, that i may tell you all about one day... hes such a happy soul,,, just like his dad... jsm...

