2022 09 11 put a smile on ye face

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2022 09 11 put a smile on ye face

Post by ukjsm »


you would not believe just how many cups of tea i go through when im burried knee deep in the recording studio. EDIT!!! actually, thats not true, you would not believe how many cups of tea i go through PERIOD!!!

(i think emma thinks im trying to drown her. she has stinging nettle herbel tea with honey, good for endometriosis i hear. sometimes a bit of ginger, sometimes a bit of crushed clove, sometimes none.)


and the music. its been taking rather a lot out of me lately for many reasons. high expectations on my part most definately having a part to play. ironically the best of the moments tend to also be the most spontanious. mixed in with a little divine intervention of-course...

the tea, it just keeps on flowing, as with the ideas at the moment. has to be said i have been spending quite some time coming up with new ingenious ideas that i have spent the last couple of years contemplating and thinking about...


and what have i learned. easy!!! amazing what you can do with a couple of pieces of stickytape and a soldering iron. but most of all. what a blessing i never sold the old equipment. what a blessing i just revived the old akai s3000. and what a blessing that the old akais do something that no one has ever been interested in from what i have heard for over twenty years now. seriously. even my s6 cant touch it, at all!!! aaahhh, that cup of tea shure does make all the hard work and effort a little easier to manage...

oh! and SIX guitars on the wall, and i havent touched ONE in over 10 years at a guess. why? just not there yet. it will be soon tho i hope. my fav tanglewood acoustic got smashed up by my nephew so there was no reviving that one. after repairing all and replacing strings i came to the tanglewood, and everytime i tightened the strings it went out of tune in no time. then i realised all i was doing was pulling the body frame of the guitar apart. he'd smashed the seal all round the bottom of the base. i never told him. i put it down to experience and binned the guitar. im just grateful for what i did salvage and recover. no time to dwell here, move on move on...


oh! and dont forget. put a little slice of ginger or two in your cuppa before you sip it. it shure does taste good and its good for you too. me, im off now to make another, so see you in the very next post above this one, once i made it... love n light to all... jsm...


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