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Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:42 pm
by ukjsm

now theres a lot of audio in here that hasnt been used but might eventually have a place... thats why they are all here... one easy to find place for me when i get more videos ready...

theres even some stuff i still need to edit and there may be a gem or two so hope you all njoy... you never know, there may be a file or two that like so dig deep peeps n njoy!!!

files with similar names are probably the same audio take, but with different post production ideas added to them... different strokes for different folks i say...


... Qualeidoscope ...

Common Sovereign Laws Apply

Audio Files & Full Text...


while preparing the Quake Demo Video files for use in Davinci Resolve ready for the 'jsm QUAKE ep' (eta end 2024 maybe) i decided to try an idea of mine by trying to make a Kaleidoscope Effect with one of the videos, using the one where the camera silently slowly drifts through the whole of the DM2 Death-Match Map. i just wanted to get a quick impression of what this would look like to decide if it was worth investing any more time, intention, and energy into...

once i had the first example video made, and sat and watched it play back from my youtube account as a private video, and i knew instantly this was my next purpose i intended to deliver on...

4 videos later, i start writing all this...


there were two main video files i wanted to try this out on as i knew if the idea was worth doing then these would be the videos to use...

both videos have no actual players or bots running around and killing each other as such.

still camera shots - still camera shots, taken from all corners of rooms, high, low, just about anywhere i could find the x,y,z, co-ordinates for. still have to edit the original Davinci Resolve segment time-line edits for @30fps, as it all seems a little out when playing back @60fps... might just have to re-do the lot as it may be easier tbh...

drifting camera - this one really just a camera position drifting from one end of the level, all the way through every room and eventually back to where the camera started at the beginning, all in one straight take with no cuts or jumps, just a fluid walkthrough...

most of the work here was allready done in ReMaic 20 years ago with all the camera editing in a camera script file, that was later re-compiled with an existing demo file using remaic, keygrip, pearl, 16bit laptop win98, blah blah blah...

KISSS ((Keep It Simple n Stupid for Stu))

now i knew that for this idea or concept of mine, there would be no heavy editing to be done in the Davinci Resolve Time-Line, except maybe for the speed of the video...

this is so i can match up start and end points of that particular video take with the audio file currently being played alongside, thus making a small Audio Video Presentation with a soft chill out relaxation or meditation sort of feel to it...

the audio-files i used are just little bits from here and there i have jammed and free-styled in the recording studio over the years, with soft religous choir type overtones to the feel...

each video is unique to the others, both in video as well as in audio, so no two videos are exactly the same, and the audio-files will differ too...

and because of the no editing at all in Davinci Resolve, as well as the amazing visual eye candy, i decided to use the 60fps video for this particular derivative of the jsm QUAKE ep... boooyyy does it hammer my pc,,, grrr...


and while working out the quarter of the screen to use in pixels of a 1920x1080 hdmi video, and then upping the resolution of the DR time-line rendering output video to super hd 3840x2160, i forgot to adjust the crop top bottom left right numbers accordingly!!!

and instead of expecting to see a big white square in the middle of the screen or a thick white border around the whole of the screen because i set it all up wrong, yep, instead of that, i saw a perfect layout but with effectively double the pixels or resolution if i wanted them, instead of the half of the screen i was going to crop, and then dublicate that again4 times... divine intervention... and if thats not your cuppa then LUCKY ME... i realised instantly how to upscale to super hdmi by using hdmi twice...

said again, i f**d up, and instead of half of hdmi times 4 (which is still hdmi), i got super hdmi x 4... well, i think... on playback on youtube it certainly looks like a higher resolution that hdmi but this is the very first time i have ever achieved this so bear with me... look!!! i dont really know how to describe my point here because i dont really know what has actually happened, and i have not been down this road before... i got a higher resolution because i used a lower resolution twice and side by side...

Audio Files & Full Text...

MY FIRST SUPER HDMI 'AND' @60fps (i think)

so YES, the videos are on youtube, super hdmi, and 60fps, but thats all thats been done here really. apart from adding the audio and Kaleidoscope effect. and while i have rendered the videos to this format, i really dont know if i have upscaled it properly in the DR settings. i do think i have but not 100% sure tbh...

one thing i can say is, once i viewed all this back to me, it was very very hard going back to my quake ep at 1920 x 1080 hdmi i must be honest here. i hate to say this but it has happened now, and i may have to ponder on this when it comes time to finalise the jsm QUAKE ep video, but thats a long way off until i have made the songs 'BANG' and 'RIPPIR' again in the Recording Studio...

problem is my pc CANNOT handle this work at super hdmi!!! 60fps!!! AND edits n Vfx!!! - i want it all and i want it yesterday lol hahahahahahhaha... dont we all eh...

the other downside, is the still camera views video segment start and end points in DR time-line edit mode, do not properly line up if i switch to @60fps video from @30fps segments edited time-lines video. so a lot of work going back into DR to re-align the start and stop edits of the segments of video on the DR time-line. kinda like doing the job all over again but hey, im definately a sucker for punishment...

i am NOT doing this job TWICE... never... no chance!!! ;p


do you know - i cannot watch these playback on the PCs at all because of the jerky audio and video in DR (Davinci Resolve). my setup simply cannot handle the workload!!!

even when i playback off youtube now, i have to go one down to 1440 60fps for any of my pc's to playback smoothly. yep lol, my kits old, just like me...

and when i watch and listen to these, i swear i am instantly taken elsewhere into another state or place in a relaxed medditative state. strange really, as easy as switching a light on... nuts! me? damd right i am, n dont u 4get it lol...

its another U-turn in my daily expectations on what i think i want to do today, or tomorrow, or whenever. we never know what easter egg might jump out and suprise us from day to day, and thats part of what makes this journey such a pleasure to be on...

next job is the still camera edits redone for @60fps in Davinci Resolve, and then make those videos...

and then the Qualeidoscope saga, that i never even knew of, up and until a week or so ago, can be laid to rest and moved on from... and i can continue with the other mountain of songs n audio n video still waiting to be done, and being added to day each day...

i just love it!!!
and i luv u all...
i wish you all well...
speak soon...
