Listen what can you hear

heres where to find all the songs and audio as well as any video i chuck together...
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Listen what can you hear

Post by ukjsm »

... Listen what can you hear ...

Common Sovereign Laws Apply


... Listen what can you hear ...

Common Sovereign Laws Apply

Full Text Transcript : Audio Files : more info...

WOW!!! What a Week its been

Divine Intervention takes me on a wild week tour of co-creating another audio and video concept i can be proud of in the years to come...

last friday, while working on the Qualeidoscope Project, i was busy preparing the best of the audio files i had pre selected from old jams i did, ready for use when it came time to generate the Audio Video content for Social Media for Qualeidoscope...

i had put together a small collection of previously generated free style jamming from my recording studio audio files, in a folder on my pc which can now be found on the website for anyone interested...

This was in preparation for use along side a small selection of videos i had previously prepared in the Quake 1 Engine along with davinci resolve for the jsm QUAKE ep... i was then applying a Kaleidoscope sort of effect for the Video Fx as the final result, some of which are already on youtube for your viewing and listening pleasure...


now while preparing the audio files, i decided to try and take small random 1 bar or so ish loops of my audio file vocals, and just see how they sounded when i played them back to myself... once i heard a couple, i realised i needed to dig deeper...

after making exactly six of these, and playing them back to myself, and definately liking what i was hearing, i then got a tried and tested 140bpm 4 bar bass drum loop into Cool Edit Pro in multi track mode, along side one of the jsm vocal loops, i knew instantly, i had just started a potential concept for a new track!!!

i also decided at a later date to create another group of 32 choir type vocal sample loop snippets of myself for use in the recording studio... i have added that task to my ever growing list of jobs that might never actually even get done...

thats often how my ideas evolve... while im busy trying to continue or finish the previous idea i am currently working on... and so yet again, i generate yet more work, for me to do, while all the previously un-finished ideas in folders, keep piling up... ah well, back to the bussiest week of this year...

and what a f**n bass drum... i know!!! sorry!!! its a bit out there... its a bit too much tbh... i always noticed that at first, but not anymore... but it just kinda stuck and so there it is...


so a simple thump thump thump, along with a jsm choir monk type vocal aaaahhhhhhh sample playing in Cool Edit Pro, i then head over to my 'wavs wavs wavs' folder, where i keep copies of 'AALLLL' my previously generated and created sample library for the past 30 years or so, so see what inspires me...

now i cant really remember if i had any specific expectations here, but i knew i wanted to be inspired by something, and this is what happened next...

knowing that i had already cracked the simple cheesy shuffle dance stab concept at the begining of the rebuild of my ancient and old and just about repaired and working again home recording studio while doing the mix, i stuck a previously prepared cheezy toe tappy basic 140bpm shuffle dance bass-line loop from another project in and WOW!!! next step done and happy...

next was something vocal or catchy to give the idea a subject matter of sorts...

again, all of this was on the friday morning on a pc while supposedly doing the quakey derivative you could say... i got side tracked into all this...

so dig dig digging throught the wavs wavs wavs folders, i come across a folder of the kids... occasionaly, 20 ish years ago, while still living at my parents place, i would be recording, and my two nephews and my niece would turn up, walk in the room, and quite literally take over, but hey i loved em so i let em lol...

and so cool edir pro multi track editor busy playing the drum loop shuffle loop and the me monks vocal loops on one screen on the pc, and the other screen i have k-lite media player going through the audio files one at a time simultaneously with cool edit... until i hear laali, my nickname for my neice say, Listen, what can you hear...

instantly!!! i knew it was good...

Full Text Transcript : Audio Files : more info...


it was too girly though, and she sounded too young, but it was good, so some clever pitching and nice reverb tails, lots of eq to get the pops n clicks out, and presto we have a hook or a catch to get the listeners attention...

said again, ALL this happened friday morning, and by about saturday early afternoon a basic structure of audio was already there in Cool Edit Pro structured around laali and her little poem, and i was very happy with the results so far...

so, while auditioning in the kitchen as i usually do, with our hi end top of the range 'Logitech pc speakers' (yep ALL my mastering is done on these cheapo babies maaan), that happens to be right next to the kettle, the fridge where we keep the milk, and of-course the little shelf that holds the TEA BAGS!!!!

my wonderful inner voice, or collective consciousness, or god, or creator, or just my inner voice, whatever you believe it to be, reminds me, pexels...

bang!!! i knew exactly what was to be done next...


so i make the tea, i go back to the pc in the dining room, yep again, no fancy studio here, my head is my studio now, cups full, and i move the internet lead from the home pc where cool edit was being used, and i plug the internet lead into the studio pc with davinci resolve on...

the back attic recording studio pc is currently sitting on the dining room table, so i can be down here looking after john while he is back from school, and me not being stuck up in the back attic studio out the way where i cant keep an eye on him as hes still only seven years old... it has been down here since i started the 'jsm QUAKE ep' and john was off school for the six week break up...

my inner voice and i had decided... play laali, listen to what she says, do a search on -- --

so, i see what comes up, make sure there is a 1920 x 1080 resolution, pick the video most appropiate and relevant to the current subject matter in question, download, put it into relevant folder, add it to the relevant davinci resolve BIN, drag into timeline, and do a quick edit getting it to fit in...

now i wont lie to you... i probably had to remove and delete 5 or 6 videos at most, that just didnt work by the time the project was completed... but honestly, i really didnt have to do anything here... one by one the videos just kept coming up when doing a fresh search on pexels each time the lyrics or storyboard changed, and in most cases i didnt even have to scroll down that far either... i just kept on finding something that fitted perfectly each time i did a fresh search...

the flow here was so so smooth and just felt right... almost divine to me... meant to be... preordained... blah blah blah... i didnt really have to do much thinking here either, but instead listen to laali, type into pexels, and see what comes up... it was almost as if the videos were already put there for me to bump into almost immediately upon each search query...

much later i did add other bloat like dolphins clouds etc but all in all the script drove most of what is now in the finished video... and all thanx to which i highly recommend to you all if you intend starting out on this video editing venture, and need some free videos to get you up and running...


probably saturday night i started this, and obviously this took some actual thought and precision and time to getting the thunder samples to sort of match up to the video... bumble bee is easy as close is close enough... couldnt find suitable creeking or slamming door vid so the sound had to suffice... you learn to accomodate with what is available... you learn to improvise with what you already have... its not what if??? its what i can??? you bring forth the very illusion you are trying to create into this reality for others to experience...

mixing the sounds one at a time was by far the most intense part of this little venture... also one of the most pleasurable ones as well to be honest, as you really start to see and hear and FEEL the storyboard you are trying to create jumping out at you... really njoyed this, but theres one reason i did such a good job and here's why in the next paragraphs...


i knew i wanted this landscape of sound to be as good, if not better, than the song i made 'why i watch ya', and my bench mark for this standard is as follows... once you have completed all the sound effects you have added and are very happy with the result, you must must must do the following...

mute the song, and all audio tracks NOT associated with the sound effects, then play what is left back, and see how it stands up as a finished audio piece in its own right, without any gaps, silences unless intentionally required, or dips and un solicited audio level changes, that dont compliment to video itself, or are just not comfortable or pleasing on the ear...

put simply, can the sound effects be listened to on their own alongside the video, and it sounds ok as it is, or are there gaps, changes, silences, that distract the listener from being immeresed in the current experience you are trying to trick them into believeing... after all, it is all fake and not real isnt it???

so, thats the standard i have set myself... so much so i extracted it all as a seperate wav file afterwards, and then examined it in cool edit pro by looking at the actual sine wave, and looking at the noise floor level to see if there was no sound anywhere... then all i did was i put something in... whether it be sounds of nature, sounds of wind, sounds of waves, didnt care what it was, i always always always wanted some sort of sound to be there to keep the ears occupied, no matter how quiet, subliminal, irrelevant, etc...

movie and music video producers out there probably take all this for granted or have a completely different working practice that helps them achieve a degree of quality simpy by following an already setup working practice... im stating the extremely obvious here in all honesty, but as i havent done anything like this to this degree before, i suppose i am trying to pre determine the best outcome in terms of quality possible by setting some standards beforehand to help me get there in the end...

lol, i know i know, i really do waffle sometimes, but i really do want to impart some of my experiences to you in this written form, so you are made aware of these simple thoughts that in the long term, might actually help you along your own journey into music and video editing, making, and production...

[[[ lol - funny, as im writing this, i just realised i havent actually done a capture of JUST THE SFX alongside the video... but i have now decided i do want one... yes there is one with laali but i now just immediately decided to switch the DR pc on and make that so it will be on youtube by the time you read this... its number 6 now... ]]]

[[[ yeah - and this litl bit added today, sunday, after me em n john the fam, been to my m8s house last night for couple beers n a laugh, and also so john can kill off couple of his world of warcraft characters hahahahaha... (dj evil T to those who know him already) emma pointed out AGAIN the text dissappearing off screen so all the uploads i did over friday night and saturday have to be done again, and thats what i am doing right now as i add this tiny bit of text... all good things come to those who wait eh... yaawwwnnnnn... ]]]


BUT jsm - since when do dolphins fly in clouds, and why can i hear birds chirping when they are there, whys the little girl walking slower than the footstep sounds, and why is the woman whos imagining this black haired when the young girl is blond, and the old lady at the end has a bigger nose... and whats the bloody horse doing in there???

its funny but sooo interesting... i didnt have these thoughts until after watching the video, and trust me, nor would most of you until you read this text pointing those out... its quite normal and natural for us at times to buy into an illusion such as this... but you do have to draw a line somewhere... maybe in the movies its a lot higher a standard than we realise sometimes as we just take what we see and hear for granted to a certain extent, and dont even question it to the extent i am here right now...

all food for thought eh!!! and trust me when i say i dont mind being a bit methodical and anal at times with the audio, but i dont wanna go there with the video as well, its all hard work and very time consuming... well, hmmm, maybe not yet anyway... :P


most of what you see in the overall video presentation was really done by the monday morning i would say but definately by the monday evening ish... from here on in it was all about polish, spit n shine, levels, versions, and then...

by the kettle, yep, you guessed, also auditioning, thinking about an acid version using the rebirth moog emulator more predominantly in the mix, where the moog was up front and in front of the whole mix... my inner voice just said,,,

'shhh, dont say a word'

and instantly i knew i had to cut crop n chop laalis vocals into relevant snippets for use in an acid house version...
[[[ hmmm, this make producing an extended version a breeze... for the right price of-course... ]]]

got lazy here for a mo, started instantly dropping some of laalis cut up samples into the moog version, really loved what i was hearing, got a bit carried away, bits of laali bloody everywhere, didnt like the f**n fact i f**n rushed this bit at f**n all and DIDNT chop the vocals up methodically and name them accordingly so i can reverse engineer at a later date if i need to... oh! and thats the anal bit of me i dont always like, but it always delivers and gets results i like, so i just get on with it and do it as required...

(oh! and by this stage, i had put so so much of laali back into the moog mix, it was becoming a serious issue for me, i was rushing, it was cluttered, overkill... it just wasnt what i wanted to hear anymore...)


so... started again with the cut cropping n chopping of the vocal bits one sentence at a time, with EVERY 'listen, what can you blah blah' cropped and recorded by filename so i knew which little snippet came from which line...

once done i simply replaced the existing already done bits of laali in the moog mix with the newly properly named and cropped and chopped, and im happier... but not happy AT ALL with the amount of chopped parts i put in there of laali, it was a bloody racket... i wanted a more progressive feel, even thought the track is only two and a half minutes or so... it was monday evening, i KNEW it was a brill idea, but i needed a fresh head to tackle this... stopped and called it a night...

this tuesday morning, took john to school, knew my intent and purpose that day was to get the moog acid version done the way i wanted it to sound, and even said to emma, johns mum, it'll be done within a couple of hours, and it was, BIG TIME...

after removing most of the garbage i put in, including chunks of all the lines lalli read about waves, bumble bees, creeking dooor, yaaawwwnnn you get the drift, apart from 'listen what can you hear' and 'everything' and maybe 2 or 3 variations of these phrases, the only other one i added and used was the very same one that my wonderful inner voice said to me was

'shhh, dont say a word'...

and by yesterday thursday, that version (version 4 )was complete, and happens to be probably my favourite as its most definately only of my favourite generes of music, AciD House... bam bam anyone... im too scared... humanoid... blade shower night club scene... love it!!!


i didnt know, that for the next week, i would be the creator of what you are about to watch and listen to for the very first time, ever, and know that its creation came from me and my father... wow!!! im so so proud... and for me to accomplish this in under a week, and luckily i had the time at home to do it in... everything happens for a reason...

all because of a silly little sample of my neice, made by me, 20 years ago, and this is what has transpired and taken place...

i always wonder what will be next...

for instance, 2 nights ago, i wanna hear em loud, drives my gorgeous gal mad,,,

'you keep listening to the same ones, over and over and over, again and again!!!' she says... shes always saying...

,,, and shes right, i do, i have to, thats what tells me what to do next... but john was in bed, so i couldnt... and mastering on headphones at that kind of level doesnt work with me or help me achieve what i am trying to achieve...

so i started on another pexels video i downloaded for another idea (((folder called 2023 12 03 lumpa thumpa))) with a simple beat box of me, and started playing in DR with fwd n rev n slo n fast n freez frame etc etc you get the drift, and already i know where its going...

sometimes you just got to lift your head up and smell the roses they say, but i know thats not my call... emma loves roses... but i dont care... im never happier than when emma n john are happy, and they are, we are a very happy bunch i can tell you... but im never happier when they are happy, and i got my cuppa, and im stuck in front of this very computer right here now, with cool edit pro open, and another new tune to get my teeth into... and sometimes all it takes is a can of that fav beer of mine and im in heaven...

i love you all...

and you are all f**n amazing...

so be it, and show it, and love it, and grow it... but most of all, know it!!! and also know that you are loved, by so much more, than just us... god bless... love & light... jsm...


if anyone can help me source the original Author of this material i would be very grateful. Bard AI mentioned "Listen" by Eleanor Farjeon but only the first line is the same...

it has also been read from a primary school book by a young girl called Alex Mawhinney at the 'Belfast Royal Academy'. she read it word for word from a school library book i guess, but thats all i can deduce. so it does definately exist in written form and may be subject to copyright for future reference. so if anyone can help me source the original author that would be great thank you... i stuck it on the LooP Library Facebook channel for reference...

May God Guide You, May God Bless You, May God Protect You...
love light learn live, but dont forget to live...